Repairing & Refurbishing Out Buildings & Data Huts

Many of the companies we work with have out buildings where employes sell products and carryout business transactions at the pumps islands, while others have data huts containing eletronics and computers. All of them have a common problem in that their roofs have many vulnerable points such as flashing around HVAC, pipes, vents and cables as well as construction seams and screws.  

Here are the primary concerns:

  1. Ponding on from clogged drains and scuppers. Sagging occurs with extra load.

  2. Algae and vegetation growing around and on the surfaces lead to rust and deterioration of the metal at the base as well as the roof.

  3. Temperature extremes causing subtle expanding and shrinking.  Freeze/thaw cycles allow ice dams to move and cause damage from “scrubbing” the roof membrane.